Avatar of Royal Alikor

Royal Alikor

I’m Royal Alikor, an educator and educational writer with 6 years of teaching experience and 3 years as an elementary head teacher. I share engaging lessons for students and practical resources for teachers, fostering a community where both can learn and grow. My passion for innovative teaching drives me to create content that makes learning effective and enjoyable for all.
Senior Administrator
295 Articles

Lesson on The Human Body – The leg, hand and Nails for Primary 1

Primary 1 lesson on the human body (legs, hands, nails) teaches kids…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Benefits of Cleanliness for Primary 1

Primary 1 Science lesson on the benefits of cleanliness. Pupils learn 6…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Computer Hardware and the Components for Primary 1

Computer hardware all the parts of a computer system we can see…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Parts of a Computer for Primary 1

A computer has different parts that work together to make it function.…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Swimming: Concept of Swimming & Preliminary Skills in Swimming for Primary 1

Primary 1 Basic Science lesson on swimming. Introduces the concept and teaches…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Movement: Simple athletics activities for Primary 1

Primary 1 Basic Science lesson on Movement: Learn about simple athletics, safety…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Games for Primary 1

Primary 1 Science lesson on games. Learn about different types of games…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Uses of Energy for Primary 1

Primary 1 Science lesson on energy uses. Students will define energy, identify…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Local games and safety rules for Primary 1

Primary 1 Science lesson on local games & safety rules. Learn about…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor

Lesson on Movement: Athletics for Primary 1

Primary 1 Science lesson on Athletics: Learn about the meaning of athletics…

Royal Alikor Royal Alikor